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Welcome to the Wordy WebSite!
A brand that will sell millions of things.

"A Smart Birdy Buys A Wordy"

About Wordy

The Wordy People

Some of the people

Elliott (CEO)
Lochlan (CTO)
Tim (CTO)
Jeni (CD)
Hadi (Sales)
Johann (Design & Motor Specialist)
John (Partner)
Diana (Partner)
Blair (Testing)
And more...

Wordy Products

Wordy Motors has ideas for all kinds of products

Full production of Wordy cars is planned to start in 2034. We won't sell only vehicles, we will sell lots more! Here are just a few ideas we are working on...

  • Cars

    We love our cars. Super concept #1, cyberpod and many more!

  • RVs

    RVs are one of the best ways to travel. Do you agree? Take a look at the SuperRV!

  • Vans

    Beep. Beep! What's that sound? That's a Van! The first Van was created in 1829! [Source]

  • Devices

    From Microchips to Robot Tigers, Devices by far are the most complicated.

  • More Coming...

    Wordy loves thinking of new ideas! Maybe one day, you could help us come up with ideas.

Our Cars

Here are some of the vehicles designed at Wordy Motors

Wordy Activity Center

Estimated Construction Jan. 2050

Levitating Car Details

These are the details of the levating car!

3D Model

3D Model



How to Drive

Wordy On Paper

3 in One

3 in One

Home Made

Make your own Car!

Super RV

Super RV

Original Flying Car

By Johann

Three in One #2

Three in One #2